How To Get Freelance Writing Jobs

There are several negative assertions in writing as a career. Most people wrongly believe that:

  • Writing is fun and never lucrative
  • It is not a career but a vacation job
  • Writers are all broke.

The above is not true if you know how to go about making yourself relevant as a freelancer. We shall dwell on some of the tricks that freelancers can adapt to get the lucrative job that will bring in the big bucks to you.

  1. The Money

There is money in freelancing but for starters; they are going to have it rough to start with. The jobs are there on the job boards quite right; getting the contract will not come easy. You must avoid the lowly paying sites like Fiver; Upwork, Craigslist, iWriter. This will enable you to get a steady start in your writing career. Target high paying sites.

  1. The Quality In Your Work

If you are serious about making the headway as a freelancer, then you must turn in quality work. You need this in the beginning to pay your bills. Your quality works will provide attention. If you are good at it, you can either charge more to make more money or you write more to increase your chances of getting more money.

  1. Specialize

After you have drawn the attention that you needed to set your feet firmly on the platform; you should go into specialization. When you are known for a particular genre of writing, it will boost your chances. What manner of client do you wish to work for? The category of writing that you do and the platform of your choice are choices you have to make.

  1. The Market That Already Exists

You cannot create a market of your own; this is the reason why you are expected to source and locate a market that is not only in existence but one that is seen to be doing pretty well. The client retention ratio should be between 80-90%+. There should be a mass demand in the writing request.

  1. Long Term Work

Your target should be on long term work as against project-based contracts. With long term work; you can be guaranteed a steady stream of income which will push your earnings higher. 

  1. Add Innovations

There should be variety in your writing style. Step up by looking inwards to fashion out a style that will make you and your works stand out. When you device better methods of approach; you are going to get richly rewarded through the influx of better writing jobs.

  1. Keep Up The Tempo Of The Craft

Writing should be approached as a craft and you are the cold-blooded animal involved. If you want to eat; then you should be prepared to hunt the game. You have to know your area of specialization and not be like Fitzgerald who focused on pitching articles for magazines instead of natural specialty- writing novels. 


The keyword here is freelancing and not writing. There is more in the sector if you can key into the tips given above.

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